Health & Wellness Blog #4: Gratitude- A Recipe for Joy & Happiness - Princeton Club New Berlin

Health & Wellness Blog #4: Gratitude- A Recipe for Joy & Happiness

I had a really cool moment recently when I had the opportunity to sit down and talk with a gentleman who had just turned 80 years old.  After a few minutes of chatting I asked him the question, “If you could tell the 40 year old you anything what would it be?” Being in my 40s this seemed like the perfect question to ask.

The man answered, “Live each day knowing how blessed you truly are and be grateful for everything you have.”  This was amazing for me to hear, because I try to live my life and share with others that living a life with a heart filled with gratitude is the only way you’ll ever find true joy. It was reaffirming to hear these words spoken to me in the same way I speak to others telling me in that moment, “You need to press forward as you are on the correct track.”

The man was also struck by how many people he sees today walking around unhappy and miserable with their occupation and current situation in life.  He told me he loved what he did for a living and was blessed to go into work everyday and would be still working there now had they not closed down a few years back.

So we have two options to consider:

  1. Maybe we are not where we are supposed to be and it’s time for a change


  1. Perhaps we are right where we need to be but are missing the opportunities and people presented to us that we can love into and influence.  No matter your occupation or where you currently find yourself in life, your purpose is to be love and light to everyone you come in contact with.  Keep your head up, eyes clear and heart open to opportunities to how you as one person can begin to change the world for the better.

One of my favorite quotes is by Melody Beattie: “Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.”

When you go to bed tonight rest your head on your pillow grateful for the people you loved and pray for opportunities you missed today to be revealed for tomorrow.  When you awake in the morning with your first fresh breath it is time to begin again; going into the world with a heart of gratitude and a purpose to love.

The old man had one other piece of advice to stay healthy…take brewer’s yeast and flaxseed every day.  Add gratitude and you have a recipe for joy and health!



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